Simply Spherical

Sphere • Attributes

Four spheres with three smaller spheres orbiting the largest one.

You can only get bigger or smaller spheres. If you need a circular shape in 2D, use Circle2D.


Rotate the vrignette to view the geometry.



<worldInfo title="X3D Sphere Example">

<navigationInfo headlight="true">

<viewpoint position="0.0 1.0 20.0">

<material diffuseColor="0.30 0.30 0.90" specularColor="0.15 0.15 0.15" shininess="0.15">
<sphere radius="2.5" solid="false">

<transform translation="-5.0 0.0 0.0">
<material diffuseColor="0.90 0.30 0.30" specularColor="0.15 0.15 0.15" shininess="0.15">
<sphere radius="1.0" solid="false">

<transform translation="5.0 0.0 0.0">
<material diffuseColor="0.30 0.90 0.30" specularColor="0.15 0.15 0.15" shininess="0.15">
<sphere radius="1.5" solid="false">

<background skyColor="0.20 0.20 0.20" groundColor="0.20 0.20 0.20">

