Cylinders Are Useful
Cylinder • Attributes
Three colored cylinders with differing height and radius.
You can create cylinders of any radius or length but to make a cylinder that bends, such as a curved pipe, requires either an Extrusion with a circular cross-section or a mesh (compound set of objects).
Rotate the vrignette to view the geometry.
<x3d> <scene> <!-- World Info --> <worldInfo title="X3D Cylinder Example"> </worldInfo> <!-- Navigation Info --> <navigationInfo headlight="true"> </navigationInfo> <!-- Avatar Viewpoint --> <viewpoint position="0.0 1.0 20.0" centerOfRotation="0.0 0.0 0.0"> </viewpoint> <!-- Shapes --> <transform rotation="1 1 1 0.785"> <shape> <appearance> <material diffuseColor="0.0 0.749 0.0" specularColor="0.15 0.15 0.15" shininess="0.20"> </material> </appearance> <cylinder bottom="true" top="true" height="7.0" radius="0.75" side="true" solid="false"> </cylinder> </shape> </transform> <transform translation="-5.0 1.0 -3.0" rotation="1 1 1 0.785"> <shape> <appearance> <material diffuseColor="0.749 0.0 0.749" specularColor="0.15 0.15 0.15" shininess="0.20"> </material> </appearance> <cylinder bottom="true" top="true" height="5.0" radius="0.30" side="true" solid="false"> </cylinder> </shape> </transform> <transform translation="4.0 -1.0 3.0" rotation="1 1 1 0.785"> <shape> <appearance> <material diffuseColor="0.0 0.376 0.749" specularColor="0.15 0.15 0.15" shininess="0.20"> </material> </appearance> <cylinder bottom="true" top="true" height="4.0" radius="0.40" side="true" solid="false"> </cylinder> </shape> </transform> <!-- Scene Background --> <background skyColor="0.20 0.20 0.20" groundColor="0.20 0.20 0.20"> </background> </scene> </x3d>